Ghost? Or weird intruder?

TT 💙

Ok this is a bit crazy, but I have to tell someone. since we moved into our new home a few weeks ago, me and my bf have noticed that lights will randomly be on and things will be out of place. He works midnights so it’s just me and baby at night. Some days I’ll wake up and there will randomly be lights on that weren’t on before. Once at 4am I got up and our chameleon’s tank light was on and he was moving around. Which if you own a chameleon you know that is VERY odd. We knew we turned off the light.

The baby was at my dads last night and my bf came home at 3am on his break and said every light in the house (and porch) was on other than our bedroom. I hadn’t gotten up. Also, a drink that was on the coffee table was upside down on the ground not even close to where it was before, without a single drop of the drink anywhere but where it landed.

We keep our keys on a hook right next to the door, almost religiously (I used to always lose them) but lately they will be in really odd places, like in the baby swing or under the couch when I know for a fact they were placed on the hook. Even WEIRDER is sometimes when this happens, I’ll get in my car and the gas will be depleted or the heat/ac will be moved even when my bf didn’t take my car.

Nothing too big is out of place and if anything has been taken, I haven’t noticed.

I don’t know whether it’s a ghost or we have a really weird intruder coming in. Either way, definitely setting up motion cameras. But I’m scared as to what I’ll find.

Anyone had something like this happen????