Diagnosed wrong or to early


Monday I took my son to his dr because he was coughing really bad (rattle in his chest) almost none stop (especially at night). The dr say his ears looked great, his throat was a little red, and told me his lungs sounds great and it could be just allergies. She prescribed him with Zyrtec. So I was given him the recommended dose of the Zyrtec Monday night and Tuesday. Wednesday I noticed he really wasn’t eating anything (food or snack) then that afternoon he got a fever (I didn’t checked it then because I wasn’t home, but I was able to tell he had one because he was really hot) so I gave him some Tylenol. When I got home I checked it was 101.4. So between Wednesday night and Thursday morning I kept switching between Tylenol and Motrin. Thursday afternoon after I pick my mom up from the hospital.. he became very fussy and wouldn’t stop crying so I stopped the car to see what was bothering him.. I went ahead and gave him some more Tylenol since it was about 4 hrs since I gave him some meds. He still was fussing , so I decided to just take him to the er to make sure it’s nothing serious. I had to meet my aunt so she can take my mom home since she been in a bad car accident and still have some broken ribs. Right after I did that he started breathing funny, so bout time I got there the receptionist noticed it to so he went straight to the back so he can get a breathing treatment they listened to his lungs and heard some wheezing). His temp was 103.5 at this point. I told them I gave him some Tylenol about 30 mins ago, so they gave him some Motrin and some steroids to help clear his lungs. Come to find out he has pneumonia. I was like what pneumonia? Then I start to wonder if he had it this whole time and it just happened to get worse. Was he diagnosed wrong Monday? I was really upset because he had traces of pneumonia about 4 months ago and he basically been coughing since, but this was the first time I caught him Breathing like that.. I have to take him to his dr today and I’m going to tell them I brought him here Monday it’s allergies now Thursday it’s pneumonia. What do y’all think? I need opinions