

Long story short... I’ve been getting yearly STD testing, sometimes more, ever since I’ve became sexually active. I’ve never tested positive for anything! My husband and I have been married for 4 years, during year 2, we separated for 5 months. I have been STD tested several times since 2017 when this happened. Probably a total of 5 times from May 2017 to July 2018. Everything has always come back negative. Well I went in last week and got my pap, I got a phone call yesterday from my doctor, and my labs came back positive for Chlamydia. My husband swears up and down he hasn’t cheated on me ( I threatened him within an inch of his life if he lied to me). I asked my doctor if she could tell me how long I’ve had it and all they said was that last July I was clean and now I’m not. She has sent in antibiotics for both me and my husband. Does anyone know how long it can stay dormant?

Update: We sat down and talked, I know I haven’t done anything and my husband swears up and down he hasn’t either. We have talked to my doctor & got a second opinion & a 3rd opinion. They all said the same thing it cannot lay dormant but it won’t test positive unless you have a flare up and with me being pregnant and then having a chemical pregnancy, and then getting the implant, after coming off the implant it flared. So most likely I contacted it before or during my pregnancy