Almost 2 Tantrums

Anyone else dealing with full blown tantrums lately? My daughter will be 2 in October and for the last several weeks has massive tantrums whenever a fun activity is over. Whether it’s leaving the children’s museum, the playground, or just turning off the TV after her allotted time (we allow 30 minutes), she has full blown tantrums. She even has meltdowns when we leave the grocery store because she doesn’t want to get out of the cart. Screaming, crying, rolling on the ground, hitting hair pulling, kicking... tantrums. I’m at the end of my rope and hesitate to do anything fun with her lately because I know I will be punished for it when the activity is over.

I’ve tried: timeout (which is what we’re most consistent with at home), ignoring it, trying to distract her, and some other techniques and nothing seems to work well. Any advice on how to quell/discourage these tantrums would be welcome... I’m nearly 29 weeks pregnant and physically don’t have the strength or stamina to put up with a crazy, thrashing child multiple times a day. Or is this just something she’ll eventually grow out of? If it’s a phase, I hope it’s short because it’s kicking my ass. I want to do fun, exciting things with her and show her the world, but she often makes it so miserable!