I can’t get the happy medium 😂


So a while ago I was ranting because people keep making plans with me and then canceling without calling or anything

I had started texting reminders, so now I just remind people to tell me they aren’t coming over anymore 😂😂😂

But now, I’ve had a few surprise visits

Like people coming over unannounced

Which idk what one is worse 😳

Making dinner and cleaning up for people who don’t show up

Or having a messy house, messy self, messy everything to someone that just popped up

Today, my grandma and grandpa came over unannounced.

Normally, wouldn’t be a big deal,

But I worked last night

A 3pm-7am shift

I was able to sleep at my job from about 10-11:30pm

And then again 11:45-3am

But let me tell you, I’m TIRED

I get home and I had trouble getting my son to sleep and he’s crying , but I finally got him down.

So then I tried to sleep.

I got an hour nap in and I hear knocking at the door. The dogs are barking and wake my son up. 😩😩😩

In the end, I’m so happy I got to see them and I’ll catch up on sleep eventually

They are more than worth it

But why can’t people just make plans and come when they say they will or call before showing up 😂😂😂