How would you handle this?

BonQuiQui • I’m blunt with my words, I don’t like animals get over it☺️

So I am upset, my son is in kindergarten and there is this boy in his class that has been terrorizing the other kids. My son calls him the “bad kid” not to his face but to me so I know who he is talking about; he has brought him up many times with his stories so I asked him if this kid was bothering him and he said no just the other kids so I let it go. Yesterday while walking up to get him I noticed this kid standing on the other side of the fence trying to hit my son with his folder (mom stopped him before I could say anything), after I got him in the truck I asked him if this boy has ever put his hands on him and again he said no just the other kids.

A little later while at home I noticed bruises on his forearm and after looking at them I asked where he got them from and he said the “bad kid” in his class hit him twice in the arm. That pissed me off this kid hit my son hard enough it left bruises! I asked him why he didn’t tell me and he said cause he knows I would do something and he doesn’t want to get the kid in trouble.

Growing up in a military family I was raised at a young age to defend myself if someone put their hands on me that means even in kindergarten. He is 5, I told him if he does it again he has the right to defend himself and he said no he has to tell the teacher! I am glad he said that because he is doing what is right first but so far all this kid has been doing is terrorizing the other kids since school has started nothing has been done or said.

Now either I haven’t been told because my son is lying about it (which I don’t believe he is) or it has gone unnoticed... so far the first action I took was messaging the teacher but with the way bulling and things are done now unless you defend yourself it will continue. Like I said he is 5 I don’t want him to have to defend himself he isn’t the kind of boy that likes to hit, push or touch other kids meanly but I don’t want him thinking it’s ok to be bullied and not do anything about it.