Animal rights


There was a dog in Mississippi that had been posted to a lot of Facebook rescues groups in the area and in surrounding areas. This poor baby was tied down to a chain and hadn’t had food in so long that he started to eat the chain he was attached to. This specific area did not have animal control but the police were called and apparently the dog had to be surrendered for him to be taken. They were able to have him rescued and taken to the vet. This sweet baby unfortunately bled and died after being sedated at the vet office. In some places you can’t just go and take a dog or any other animal from the owners unless they’ve been properly surrendered. This dog lost his life because he was being neglected and there are so many others in this same position or even worse. Don’t y’all think you should be allowed to take a dog, cat, or any other pet that’s being mistreated without having to face legal repercussions? It’s the same thing with kids. These systems are broken and many animals and children lose their lives because of it.