My mom is a terrible therapist

The title says it all, my mom should not be a therapist. For one she's not actually licensed (not required in our state). She doesn't accept insurance because it's too much of a hassle for herself (and God forbid, she'd have to work more than 10 hours a week), she complains about her clients and tells us all about them aside from their name since she legally can't. I would not go to someone who literally turns around and spills stuff that I just told them in confidence. She talks about wanting to get rid of some, but doesn't. Gets annoyed when they ask for help outside of their session. She calls everything a drug and says everything is addicting, so she has no knowledge on some stuff. She can't council people in certain situations because she doesn't have the training but she see's them anyway. She is constantly rescheduling because she seems to work around her life, not do life and daily tasks around her work (she literally works 2 days a week). She charges an outrageous amount that most people who really need help can't afford, and since she doesn't accept insurance they're screwed.