Need to get my shit together...(long post/vent)


I seem to be in a rough spot, today especially. Ive always been overweight and college was especially hard on me. Broke and constantly studying, working, etc. My "freshman 15" was more like a "junior/senior 80" 🙄. I got married to a wonderful man in June who is also overweight. I'm about 320 and he's about 420.

I got pregnant in July (first ever pregnancy) and found out at 9 weeks it was going to be a miscarriage. I was pretty upset at first and then come to terms with it and I'm ready to jump right in and try again.

I need some advice, motivation, something to get my shit together and help my husband get his shit together too on our weight and health. It just seems like I never have any motivation, I've never been one who loves working out and I'm a super picky eater. It seems like the few veggies I do like are the ones my husband doesn't. He works night so his schedule is all messed up. He'll eat supper with me when he wakes up, a protein shake in the middle of the night and then whatever he can find when he gets home in the morning (cereal, cold meat sandwich, leftovers) and then goes straight to bed.

I just don't know what to do and idk why I'm just so frustrated today all of the sudden. Maybe I just needed to vent...

Any advice, tips or good recipes for picky eaters would be great