Should I go for it!!!?

Rebecca • Mother of 2 beautiful baby girls. Conceived with PCOS🎀🎀

Hey guys! So little background, I am 33 years old and have pcos. It took about 1.5 years to conceive my first and 2 for the second. I have 2 baby girls and they are almost 3 years apart. My oldest(4), has some special needs. It has been tough with her she requires a lot of attention from me specifically as she is very attached. Our youngest is 16 months and is an absolute joy. They both are, just a lot of work with two especially when u throw some special needs in the mix. Anyway, my parents live next door and they help as much as they can. To be honest we really rely on their support. It’s not every day but it is a lot. Also, I am graduating with my masters in December and I have a job now but the hours are very minimal as I’m a mom, wife, and student. When I graduate in December I plan on adding more hours to work. I won’t be able to get the job I am aiming for though until about 2 years from now. I need to obtain supervision hours for my specific program in order to sit for the board exam. It’s gonna take a while. Anyway, I really wanted to have at least 3 children. So did my hubby. But 4 years later and lots and lots of sleepless nights and a difficult child my hubby is like hell no. I decided also that 3 may be too much. Even though I want another deep in my heart. My parents always joke and say you better not have a 3rd or we’re moving. I think they think it’s funny but it actually really affects me. I want one but when my support system says that it discourages me. My question is ( and if you’re still here reading this with me God bless you lol) should I just go for it? Or since I need my parents help do I consider their feelings on the matter... we really do need them since my oldest struggles and if I didn’t have their help I don’t know what we would do. Also, if we had another my work will get put on the back burner again.. I feel like I’m climbing a mountain to become successful. I would give anything to have my big girl job already but school is in the way for now. Anyway, please share your thoughts.