Ex Step Parent

::!!UPDATE!!:: Neither if the ex wives have any parental rights over the 3 older kids. First wife and their biological mother had all rights removed from her and the second wife never adopted them to take any parental rights over the 3 older kids.

Ok back story of my current boyfriend.

He has 5 kids, the first 3 are with his first wife who ended up running off with some random guy hooked on drugs and ended up in jail. Courts gave him the divorce and full rights to those 3 kids. She no longer has any parental rights to them and chooses not to see them.

Ok the 2 youngest kids were from his most recent marriage. She was fairly abusive, and from what was told to me was that she didnt do anything for the older three pretty much used them to watch the younger two. Yelled at them and wasnt really much of a good "step mom" to them.

So the ages of the kids from youngest to oldest, 4/8/11/13/15

Now fast forward to now. His recent ex wife is all of a sudden trying to get his oldest kids when he has told her that she has no parental rights to them, she has said that he should sign the two oldest girls over to him and let him keep his son. He went off, crazy right? Well a few months went by and all seemed ok after her throwing herself at him asking for him to come back and that she will change. He said no, she is in a relationship and so is he.

Now she is going through the older two girls through texting and phone calls and telling them to come over after school and when their father say no to doing something they run to her and she picks them up and takes them after him saying no.

And now they are wanting to go over there after school every day, and wont listen to him about chores or anything.

I guess what I'm trying to say is how should I feel about this? I feel like I'm in cahoots with his ex wife I know she doesn't like me.

Now for the younger two. His youngest is fine and well mannered for a 4 year old but the 8 year old girl. I know it's part jealousy, but she has only gotten worse. She talks about how much she misses her daddy being with her mommy and has become very spiteful towards me. We were all watching a movie and she came up and saw I had my legs across him she asked to be in his lap and he said no to sit beside him on the couch, she without hesitation crawled into his lap and kicked at my legs and feet and glared at me to move. so I got up. Figured what ever I have other things to do anyways. Now she is taking her jealousy out on my dog. Deliberately shutting him in the door until he whines and now has said that she wishes he would break a bone and have to be taken to the vet and put down. And she very well understands that dog is like my child to me. She doesn't play nice with him and yells at him and calls him a bad dog when he one a thing. How do I handle that?!