In love with a girl whose involved.


Okay... I never do this but I'm too in my head and need an escape.

About two months ago I got involved with a woman who had a boyfriend. He didn't mind but then she fell for me.. He got super threatened, threw a tantrum, and the works. I stepped back because I didn't want to make things harder for her. She tried ending it with me at his request but she can't. She feels deeply for me. And has admitted to not feeling on fire for him anymore. She's expressed to him how upset, ignored and invisible he's made her feel for the last 6 months and that she doesnt feel the same for him anymore. Feels like he just quit on everything. And she met me and we bonded over puppies, Harry Potter, books, poems and emo music... Our first hug felt like colliding with a comet and a black hole all at once.

We want the same things but she's got unanswered questions so she's trying to figure it out so she can be 100% for me or him. But hes made all these promises on changing and fixing the problem but hasn't followed through on any. Just keeps picking fights and making her feel alone. Idk why im posting this but I guess I just needed it out there. We didn't expect to fall in love but this is a connection unlike anything I've ever experienced. I just want her to be happy... Any advice/encouragement?