Additional Ultrasound?


We had our anatomy ultrasound on Thursday at 23 Weeks and 3 Days.

We got a call today that they want another ultrasound done because they didn't get clear enough pictures of our baby's face. There was also a note in my file to the Dr. that she needs to confirm a final EDD.

When we were watching the screen, though we have no technical experience, we could see our baby's face quite clearly.

My husband and I have been stressing all day. They scheduled our next ultrasound for just prior to seeing our Dr. at out 28 Week appointment. That appointment is about 3 weeks away now. We were talking about since we are stressing so much, we wonder if we should see if we can just do the ultrasound tomorrow or whenever they have a free slot, so we can have answers sooner and stop stressing.

Has anyone dealt with this? Would waiting until baby is a little bigger (waiting for next appointment) be better?
