I want to have another baby so bad

I need to blow off some steam so I’m posting here . Me and my husband have been TTC #2 for 4 months now but it’s hard because we can’t always have sex during ovulation since he works a lot . So this month is one of the first month he got to be home while I was ovulating . So I had my period Sept 6 and lasted until Sept 9 which was short as my periods always have lasted 5 days minimum and 8 - 9 days the most but what made it really odd was it was dark brown the whole time and very light . But I know periods aren’t always going to be be same every single month so this app and every other app says I ovulate between the 17th to 20th this month and the 15th and 16th I had watery cm . Yesterday 17th I had spotting that was dark brown and also tons of watery cm so I thought maybe it was ovulation spotting and it only lasted a few hours then went away also I had cramps on one side as well . We had sex last night 17th as it was the last night until he left for work and then today 18th I had spotting again but this time back ache on the same side I was cramping and still had watery cm but around noon I barely had any of that watery cm then I started to spot heavier and longer than yesterday . It’s still dark brown but when I wipe it has dark brown with tiny bits of pink . It literally took all day to fill two dime size on a pad . But every time I use the bathroom I will have brown and pink on the toilet paper no matter what . I’m like dry down there now , not completely because I still feel like it’s watery cm but it’s mostly dry . Almost like 95 % dry while 5 % watery cm but I think it’s like that because of the spotting . I thought it was ovulation but now I think I’m starting my period AGAIN ! It’s so frustrating because who knows when me and my husband will be together when I ovulate . . . I just wish I knew what was going inside of my body or wish I could come across someone who went through the same thing as me . I’ve tried to google what I’m going through but all that has came up was difference between ovulation spotting and menstrual bleeding or 2 periods in 1 month which to be honest I do not even know if this is just a whacky period for this month and I did end up having 2 periods this month or ovulation spotting or some random bleeding that is non related to periods or ovulation or pregnancy . I’m confused and wish I knew the answers so I can go on to the next cycle and try again if I get the chance to but it feels like I will never especially since we both were together during my “ovulation” this month and now it feels like I skipped ovulation and went straight to a period instead . I also had irregular periods from when I was 11 years old to 17 years old and after that it was always regular like clock work never missed a period never was late or early until I was pregnant with my son at 21 years old and I pray to god that I am not experiencing irregular periods at such a random time for no reasons but my body going back to imbalanced hormones or something . Rant over . Here’s to hoping to having my periods calm down and go back to normal for next cycle . Here’s to getting pregnant before the end of the year . Here’s to thinking I’m wrong about all of this and this is still ovulation spotting and I still could very well be pregnant . I guess I will see how long this dark brown spotting last . I’m already going to log it as my period but if I’m not spotting tomorrow at all and stays that way until October then I will delete it and take a pregnancy test if it does stay like this tomorrow then I’m considering it as my period and if this does it again for October then I guess I’m going back to square 1 and talking to doctor about BC to make my periods go back to normal which takes months to years like last time when I was a teenager . Ugh thank you body for confusing me .