Sick Baby

ADDED: Just for anyone who wants to post comments about the Vick’s instead of actually trying to give advice on getting my baby better, I was told by both his primary and another pediatrician that it was OK to use baby Vick’s on the bottoms of his feet. This is NOT something that I just decided to do on my own. It is what they both told me to do.

My 4 month old has gotten yet another cold or allergies. He has a stuffy nose and when he sucks his nose to try to clear it the drainage makes him cough. It’s not hendering him from sleeping, nor does he have a fever. But I know it’s got to be uncomfortable for him. Any advice or things to do to help him out?

I’m already running the humidifier, using saline drops and the nose Frida (although I’m not getting much out when I suck his nose out) and Vick’s on the bottoms of his feet.