worried about my mental health

i apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes i may have made in this post.

i decided to talk about this here because people on this app seem to have more advice than people i know i’m real life (not including any medical professionals)

if someone could please help me out, with advice or a way to cope, that would be greatly appreciated.

these past few weeks i’ve been feeling strange. i’m really not myself. i took a complete 180 personality change. i have constant urges to do something dangerous (ex. burn something) and i have been constantly loosing focus and zoning out.

i’ve also wondering if i’m forgetting something important. i’ve been hearing voices everyday. they only happen when i’m about to do something stupid or i’m spacing out, and seem to not be able to remember what i was going before they appeared. i’m constantly forgetting things that i should remember easily, and will think about it until i remember it or drive myself mad. and many other things i won’t get into, because then this would be really long.

i have no idea what’s happening, whether there’s something actually wrong with me or i’m just having normal hallucinations and over reacting about small things. i’m scared to talk to my parents about getting a doctors visit because i’m worried they’d tell me i’m overreacting and put it off, leading to things getting worse due to no professional help.