A lot going on


So I’m just going to lay it all out. I watch a little girl along with my daughter. They get along pretty well. I currently 3 months pregnant and N told me she is also pregnant. I’m happy for her just nervous for me because my dad found out he has stage 4 bladder cancer. So my little sisters have to help him. My sister R babysits our nephew M for my other sister J. So now that R has to help my dad she can’t watch our nephew. Which only leaves me. So I will have a the little girl I watch, my newborn, N’s newborn, and my daughter, plus my nephew. Now my doctor told me I will have another c section because I’m diabetic and I will just have bigger babies. Which is fine. But I won’t be able to watch all of these kids. I just don’t know what to do. I will be healing from a c section plus my sister and N wanting me to watch their kid/kids. Plus me taking care of my dad and to top it off I have my wedding to plan. What I have thought out so far is that at around 7 months I will tell N I can’t watch her daughter anymore because my doctor told me i preeclampsia. Which I will most likely have because I had it with my first. So I couldn’t watch her daughter anymore. But after I have my baby and I heal is the problem. Has anyone had any similar situations? What should I do?