Ultrasound - am I being crazy?


Okay so when I scheduled my first doctors appointment they couldn’t get me in until this week. At this point I am over 8 weeks all they did was confirm the pregnancy and then they had no open appointments for the next three weeks for the ultrasound. So I’ll be almost 12 weeks before I even get to see the little one.

My question: there are those little pop up ultrasound shops that do ultrasounds at a cost. If you had to wait until almost 12 weeks for an ultrasound would you just go ahead and pay for one of the pop up shops to do it.

I’m just starting to freak out with some of the stories that I read in here and I was to make sure the little booger is okay in there 😭😭😭 OR am I being ridiculous and it’s normal to wait this long for an US?