Vbac help

🌼FullTimeMomma🦕 • 💪Momma of 5🖐3 Boys 2 Girls 💙J.C.A.S💚A.L.S💛S.R.S💜L.M.S🧡M.A.J.S

I'm 28 weeks and 3 days doctor says baby is measuring a few weeks ahead💗 I talked with her about having a vbac. I was really worried she was gonna shoot it down. This is my second pregnancy, I had a cesarean with my first daughter. Not a emergency csection. I was sent In from my doc appointment bc i had protien in my urine and hbp. Got to the hospital they started to induce, got my epidural about 45min to a hour after that. was in "labor" for 13 hours i was on a medication magnesium I think it was called and it had me sleeping pretty much tho whole time. They. And in a checked me I was dilated to a 5 1/2 and they told me they were gonna go ahead and do a cesarean. I didn't protest. I was so messed up on meds and I did know nothing about nothing when it came to ga ing a baby. I didn't have anyone there with me besides my husband and he didn't either. I feel.like they did one bc it w as s more convenient. I had a amazing cesarean no issue. The doctor did a awesome job. I want to try for a vbac. I talk with my baby doctor about having a vbac the very first appointment and she shot it down. Well I have been doing more research and I want a vbac. I'm not gonna just roll over. We talked today about it and she is on board with it as long as everything checked out she want to make sure that I had a transversal (horizontal) incision on my uterus. Apparently they can do one on the outside and have to do a vertical one on the uterus. And I also have to go into labor in my own, the hospital where I am at won't do vbacs if you have to be induce. I pretty excited. I mean I want to at least try to have a vbac. Anyone have any input or tips for me I would really appreciate it.