Never been so scared!


So I went to my doctors appointment yesterday just my 13 week check up, I went alone because my husband and mom were working and these checks are usually fast and easy. This is my second child so I thought I knew what would be expected however I was wrong. The nurse called me back and everything was going fine until the nurse was having trouble finding our baby’s heartbeat, she kept picking mine up but couldn’t find my daughters. After about 5 minutes she said she needed the Dr to help her, he came in after 3 minutes of looking around he informed me I needed a emergency ultrasound to verify the baby is OK. At this point I’m chocking back tears and just trying to stay calm and not over react. The Dr said to schedule my next appointment as if everything in the ultrasound will turn out ok, after I was scheduled the nurse said to call if I needed to cancel. I completely lost it at this point and sobbed all the way to my car to drive to the ultrasound clinic ( my hospital was currently booked out in radiology) I called my husband and tried to explain what was going on through my ugly crying, he told me to calm down tell I saw the ultrasound and that he was sure everything would be fine ( we had just had a Ultrasound done Monday and I had no symptoms) Thankfully I didn’t need to wait long the radiologist saw my face and immediately took me back. Thankfully the baby is completely healthy and was moving and her heart beat was in the 160s 💛 so of course I started crying again but in relief this time!! Apparently our little angel was behind all of the amniotic fluid so the Doppler couldn’t pick up her heartbeat. The Technician was so sweet she got this 3D Image for me because I was so upset! It’s taken me till today to come out of my little bubble of shock to truly enjoy this but how cool is this picture 😍 it’s amazing that even at 13 weeks she looks so beautiful!!!