I feel stupid for letting this affect me

I don’t remember much but I’m 18. Honestly I’m not even sure what brought the memory back up it I had forgotten about it for so long but this past week I remembered something that happened to me in 4th grade I know right 4th grade which is why I don’t want to talk about it with anyone I feel like if I do there going to look at me as fragile or something since this happened so long ago. All I can remember is that I used to sit next to this kid and every day he would force his hands down my pants to finger me. I haven’t been able to get that image out of my head it’s like I blocked it out for so long and now it just won’t go away it’s all I think about. I told my mom about it and she said she remembers me telling her that the guy next to me was pinching me. Which made me remember he said not to tell anyone I was so young that I just listened and instead told her something else. The teacher said she would watch him but when he kept doing it I told my mom again he pinched me and went to the principle to have my seats switched and it stopped. I just needed to tell someone maybe I’m looking for ways to cope with this and it took a lot to even post here so many girls have been thru so much worse and mine is so small but I think about it now and piece everything to it the first time I lost my virginity I knew I wasn’t ready I told him no but he just kept insisting I was really out of it that night to I had just gone to a party I didn’t think it seemed like the right time and then when I told him to get off he kept going and said he’s almost done I had to tell him twice to get off before he actually would. I don’t know maybe I’m overreacting but if anyone could give me tips to move past this anything would be helpful.