Thanks for starting this group!

Miss Melissa • ♥️IVF success with Baby Girl, Emilia 8-10-21 at 42♥️

I’m 41 y/o and although hubby and I have only been TTC for 6 months, my DR told me with AMH at only .67 and a very high FSH of 18, our chances of conceiving naturally are so slim and that even <a href="">IVF</a> is slim and insurance probably won’t cover with such a high FSH... talk about let down bummer.... my hubby sperm is perfectly fine... so we decided that if by January we are not pregnant, we will consider egg donor... as long as I carry that baby and it at least has part of my hubby in it, it will still be our baby:) I would love to hear anyone else’s story that may be in the same boat as me and what your thoughts, experiences were??? Thanks ladies!