Finally success

Jennifer • 42, TTC #1 +3 years, AMH 0.15 & 0.325, DOR. 4 failed IUI'S, male factor, no response to ivf meds. 9/4 DEIVF=bfp = MC 9/28, DEIVF 1/4/19 BFP born 9/25/19

My sweet donor egg baby arrived 9/25. It was a gruelling labor ending in c section. He's perfect. He's calm, sweet, only gets fussy to feed. Gotta admit I wish I had experience with babies... all my friends and family had kids years ago and feeling overwhelmed with how to do this. My milk won't come in and he had weight loss and had to have formula now but still trying to pump to stimulate milk and it's wearing me out mentally. Feeling like a failure yet again... but still so blessed to have this miracle. Please see my previous posts to see my long rocky journey and decision to do donor egg. We have 4 more waiting. Wondering when to do them/ try again but the baby would have to be weaned... maybe this is a sign...a blessing in disguise that I can't make milk. I have to trust in a plan that was designed for me that I may not realize at the present which will reveal later when it's right.