Anyone in the medical field that can help? I think my grandmother could be dying


I’ll try and keep this as short as possible and list everything going on

My grandmother is 79 years old. She has an underactive thyroid and low blood pressure which the doctor gives her medication for.

I live with her and recently discovered she had about six months worth of unopened thyroid medication which she obviously hadn’t been taking. I obviously got concerned and tried to get her to take them which she wouldn’t and she threw them away.

Last Sunday (this day last week) she has seemingly became close to deaf over night. She couldn’t hear her house phone ring at all and had her tv about to the max volume and still struggling to hear. I had to yell to be heard. This was genuinely something she just woke up with that morning. She never had hearing problems ever before this.

She was kind of agitated and a little aggressive. It was something was really wrong. The next day the whole family is trying to drag her to the doctor and she’s refusing to go. She started speaking about her dead husband as if he were alive. Things like he will be home from work soon and she has to cook his dinner. He has been dead 15 years.

She has also had a really bad cold with a cough. The doctor said she had a lung infection and gave antibiotic.

She seems to be improving in the sense that she has a bit more energy and seems brighter, but her hearing is worse by the day. She couldn’t hear her smoke detector alarm ring. Which is LOUD.

She mentioned to me that as soon as she wakes in the morning for the first few minutes she’s struggling to catch a breath and if shes doing any sort of activity it’s the same thing.

The doctor said it’s all because she wasn’t taking her thyroid medication but I can’t help thinking it’s more serious than that.

She is more coherent and she hasn’t spoke about her dead husband since last week.

Does anyone have any clue what could he going on?