Opinions on amnio?


Hey everyone, you may have seen from another post that I recently had a level 2 ultrasound following our 20 week anatomy scan on our baby girl, due to them finding choroid plexus cysts (small), and also a very small VSD. We were referred to a genetic counselor and to also get a fetal echo done. We had the fetal echo done and the cardiologist stated that the VSD is very small and not at all a concern: they believe it will either close on its own or will not cause any long term issues. Which is great news. Everything else on our baby girl is just fine! Her brain, head shape, size, weight, kidneys, everything is just fine. She shows zero signs or any facial abnormalities, clenched fists, clubbed feet, etc. doctor still recommends an amnio to give us a piece of mind. However, I don’t wanna our our baby at ANY risk if things are looking up. Has anyone had 2 soft markers for trisomy 18 and baby ended up just fine? If they were concerned about Down’s syndrome I wouldn’t even consider amnio... just because I will love my baby girl no matter what. However, the two small things they found are markers for trisomy 18 which would give her no chance at life. Any suggestions? Experienced with amnio? Was it painful? Did everything turn out fine?