
So everything started to spiral to crap when I was told I had preeclampsia. My doctor immediately wanted to schedule to induce. And at first I was hesitant and kind of frustrated because he didn’t exactly do any blood work or say much to convince me it was that sever, and he said if the swelling goes to my hands and face that I need to go to the hospital ASAP. I’m not a doctor but I was concerned so I asked an Arizona mom page if anyone had him as a doctor and a former assistant of his told me he was known for making irrational decisions and inducing or doing C sections without enough reason. So I was scared out of going to my next appointment and instead tried to find a second opinion. I also wasn’t hesitant because he didn’t deliver at the hospital I wanted. My appointment to see someone else wasn’t going to be for a whole week. And during the waiting I decided to go to the e.r because the swelling was going to my hands and face. And I was told if that was happening to go to e.r. So I go to the hospital by my house and get checked in and waiting for a doctor to inform me what’s next. The doctor walks in and immediately starts giving me attitude and doesn’t even introduce himself. He starts asking me how I know I have preeclampsia and questions why I showed up to that hospital if I have no medical records there. I explained that it was closest and that my doctor told me to come in if the swelling travels up. And he just starts questioning my doctors diagnosis and asks how he knows I have preeclampsia and how I know. And that I shouldn’t come to a hospital that he’s not located at. N then says he will do some blood work and a pee test to see how sever I am or if I have preeclampsia. A nurse comes in takes my blood and then leaves. My pee cup remains on the counter untouched the whole time. I wait in bed 3 hours and then he comes in and says that I have mild preeclampsia and that since I’m two days away from being 37 weeks that I should just go to the hospital my doctor is and try to get induced within 48 hours because prolonging it can cause kidney and liver damage and seizures. And says I should immediately get in contact with my doctor. I was confused on the whole situation but I left and the next day I call to see my doctor that was going to induce me and turns out he’s taken the week off. And I won’t be able to see him for 2 weeks. So I go that hospitals e.r and get tested again and they have me do a 24 hour urine test and told me I’ll most likely be induced the next day because I have a lot of protein in my urine. So comes today, I show up and was tested again by another doctor and was told I’m fine and to go home.......


I don’t know who to believe anymore. I

Was told by 3 doctors I have to be induced, then comes the day and this doctor says that I don’t......

Just really hate hospitals at this point.

I just want whats best for me and my baby