Why does she do this....

My 10 week old will sleep 5-6 hours straight...wake for a feeding...fall back to sleep (so I put her back in the bassinet still swaddled) and she sleeps for exactly 30 minutes. Just like her naps during the day. 30 minutes on the dot. WHY!?!? I'm starting my day between 3am-4am and I can't nap or anything bc her naps are only 30 minutes. I really truly hope this is going to end soon. I can't keep this up. Plus, I can't drink coffee because she is a nightmare if I have any caffeine (breastfed baby 98% of the time) so I'm sleep deprived, can't drink caffeine, can't nap, and because of my husbands job we live far away from family so I have no help. Im starting to cry a lot and I'm just not the mom I want to be. I don't know what to do.

**I understand I have a baby and losing sleep is expected but there must be something I'm doing wrong for her to only nap 30 minutes at a time or why she won't go back to sleep after feeding. So please don't tell me to suck it up...I'm really in need of advice right now. No advice. No reply. Thank you**

Below is me holding her...as she sleeps. This is the only way she will go back to sleep.