Leap 4!

Kat • 🎉🎉Party Of Five🎉🎉

For those Mama's who just hit leap 3 and all was well and you barely noticed a change in their behavior like it was for my little man? All I can say is BE PREPARED because so far leap 4 SUCKS. My baby boys leap 4 started on Friday and we are already completely exhausted. His other leaps weren't that bad at all, a couple days of fussiness and he was back to normal. This one? Oh man. Forget sleeping through the night if your LO's have started doing that because that is gonna go right out the window and you will be back to the wonderful newborn stage when they were up 4 to 5 times a night, and nap times? Yeah forget about those, they are nonexistent. Your baby is going to turn into a demon, that's right, a cute, irritating, bipolar little demon. My once baby boy who was all smiles is now miserable and cranky and sleep deprived and so are hubs and I. And the best part is? This lasts for 5 weeks! 5 weeks of this miserable bull crap. So for the ones who haven't hit that leap 4 yet which normally starts around 15 weeks but can start as soon as 14 enjoy those loveable little babies while you can and get as much sleep as possible because you're in for some fun. 🤦🤦🤦🤦😭😭😭😭