😩 bathroom problems

Brittany • Mom of three and pregnant with our rainbow 🌈

So may be tmi to some but im at my wits end..

Im 24w 3d with baby #4 and for the last 2 week's I've been pooping so much... Like mushy poop and to the point i find myself having to wear a panty liner because something as simple as coughing or picking up my 20 month old causes me to have a little accident.

😭😭 im so emotional and embarrassed at this point. I've never had any problems like this with my other 3 pregnancies. So im not sure what's going on. I talked to my ob about it and he suggested a brats diet and hydrate more. Well the more I eat the more im going to the bathroom. All my blood test were negative for any type of viral or bacterial infections.

I don't want this to continue till I deliver since i still have a good chunk of time to go.

Someone please tell me im not alone.. Or what you did to help in this situation??