Obsessive ex boyfriend

I broke up with my ex 6 months ago and he slowly came back into my life three months ago. I made the biggest mistake of all time by going and seeing his new place. I was curious, wanted answers and closure and needed to see his life. We dated for 5 years on and off. He always had controlling behavior...from showing up at my house after a big fight when I wanted to be alone and telling me not to leave him and getting angry when a guy looked at me the wrong way. I always thought it was normal because he was my first high school love and of course I loved him...but he was horrible in our fights and had anger issues. He would punch things around me and I always wondered if I were next. He would tell me I’m too sensitive, that im always wrong and my feelings weren’t acknowledged. I felt emotionally manipulated and in the end I had to cut it off for good...so I thought. I got manipulated by him Into sleeping with him a few times. He’s a master manipulator and I fall into it and now I’m in a mess. Last night he showed up at my house uninvited and I told him many times not to come and that I wouldn’t come outside. I went outside so tell him

To leave and got angry at him saying I told him not to come. He thinks he owns me and controls me and won’t let go. He showed up at my house without my consent and I felt the most weak I’ve ever felt...I feel like he’s going to stalk me and is taking this way too far. I don’t know what to do anymore. He tries so hard to be with me and controls me without even knowing it. Has anyone dealt with a controlling, obsessive ex ?