So my dad...

This may be long (appreciate everyone that is reading all the way through)

So I'm good in my life, I'm a homemaker (thanks to my husband) I have a business on the side and we run a weekend food truck. Were settled in our home and are ttc and I can't honestly think of a complaint about my life other than my father...

So my dad and I are not on speaking fact the last time I spoke to him was exactly a year ago today. And it wasn't actually us was just email. Two years ago, the day after Christmas, my dad told my mom that he didnt want her as a wife, that he loved her, but loved someone else and wanted to be with her. He told her they had just started talking a month ago and that it was getting serious and he couldn't lie anymore. My mother and I cried together as this was 30 years of marriage gone. I loved my dad, but I couldnt stand to see my mom go through this. I basically took to her and didnt really show emotion towards my dad because I didnt know really how to react. Two weeks after we learned of this, I sat my dad down and asked about this lady. I was curious....would she be my stepmom. I almost got excited for a new person/family to join us and was ready to take on this new dynamic.

Until...he pulled out the photos of her. This lady looked like a supermodel. Fair complex, beautiful, size 0 and probably in her 20's.

She has a daughter (2yrs old) and had been sending him photos of her and her daughter. But it all looked weird...I just felt something off. I backed out of the photos and saw some of the texts (I know...snooping w/e) and she was speaking broken english to him. Keep in dad is 62 at this point and only has ever gone out with my mom. He asked her to marry him after 3 months of dating so I knew he was a hopeless romantic type.

"Where is she from?" I asked.. he replied "oh shes from Ghana! Shes actually a princess over there and is about to take on her father's fortune."


"Yeah her dad found out she was talking to a white man and cut her off for right now, but I've been sending her money here and there...she should be good for the time being"


My dad was being scammed...I tried explaining that to him but he said I was jealous because he was about to inherit a fortune and run off with a beautiful lady who had a daughter. "I finally get to be a dad I wanted to be!"

I couldnt say anything to him after that... i just walked out and went back to my home and started balling to my husband about how delusional he was.

The very next mom calls me and says, "Hunny...during that talk with your dad, did he ever mention he was gonna take money out? I havent seen him and the mortgage is due today, but our accounts are drained!"

My dad got fired without our knowledge took his pension (he didnt get the full amount because of the termination but worked there for 21years, 401k and all their savings)

Fast forward to far as I know he lives with my grandma in washington and I havent spoken to him in yes a full year.

Were planning on taking a trip up there as my husband's never been and that's my favorite vacation spot. Were ttc and idk when well get this chance again when we have kids. I really want to see my grandma and my uncles...but my dad is up there (I believe) and I have no idea how to go about this if I see him. He has wrecked my mom so badly, left her with nothing except the bills and she had to file bankruptcy. I helped where I could but couldnt help her as much as I wanted to financially. He also stole my ssn and opened up three credit accounts under my name as well as defrauded my name to a bank. I have pressed charges, but the police werent very helpful since he was out to state and said they would reach out to that county that he is believed to be in. That was less than a year ago and still nothing. I guess I am just at a loss.