Nonstop going

Finally got to buy condoms on Saturday. We’ve just been so busy with his parents taking us out to buy things for our place, that bf and I just never had private time to actually go out and buy some. I was almost starting to get a bit sad because my boyfriend and I haven’t had time to just sit down and enjoy our new apartment because he’s either at work or on his days off, we’re going to his parents house to get more of his stuff. We’ve been on the go nonstop for two weeks now, and my body has just been so stressed and overworked that I came down with a bad cold. My immune system is also down because I haven’t been around a lot of people for almost a year, due to me losing my job last year, not being able to get one, or go to college due to FAFSA complications, which resulted in me sitting in my parents home every single day for almost a year waiting to move out and finally go to college because I finally got my fafsa accepted.

I’m just dying to get a chance to finally sit down with my boyfriend and enjoy a nice quiet day together. I’m afraid that won’t happen anytime soon though due to college, his job, and me FINALLY getting a job.