Does breech always mean c section? Help me out non-US mamas


I live in the US and here, virtually all doctors refuse to deliver a breech baby vaginally. I found this out the hard way. I love my doctor and she generally tries to avoid c sections, which I also love about her, but when baby boy was still breech after weeks of attempting inversion exercises and one failed ECV, she made me schedule the c section. She explained that the higher infant mortality rate for vaginal breech delivery meant that she only delivers breech babies via c section. I briefly looked online for doctors who will deliver a breech baby vaginally but I only found one guy who, tbh, seemed really weird and illegitimate. I live in Los Angeles, a HUGE city with LOTS of doctors and out of all of them only one weirdo will deliver a breech vaginally. I took the hint, stuck with my doctors advice, and scheduled the c section.

I’m sad I needed a c section and my question is- for you mamas outside of the US- does breech always mean c section? I know US c section rates are crazy high and I just need to know- Does the U.K., Australia, France, Uganda, China, wherever else abide by this policy with breech babies as well? Don’t get me wrong, I’d do a c section again in a heartbeat for the safe delivery of my lovely little guy, but part of me still wonders if it was necessary, or if I lived somewhere else could I have had a successful vaginal delivery? My sons umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice- what would have happened if I’d tried to deliver him naturally? Thank you for reading.