Wtf am I even doing


I just got out of a two year relationship with my girlfriend and I’m so lost. I thought it was because I liked someone else and wanted to try something new because he’s a guy and I’m always between lesbian/bisexual, but now I just don’t know. Along with that I didn’t think I was ready for the type of commitment it took for us to be together. I was always thinking she was with someone else even when we talked about it multiple times and already knew she worked too much, but then I started working a lot too and we never had time for each other anymore. I always tried to see her and stayed countless hours after I got off work waiting for her to see her while she never made many attempts to see me even when I asked if she could just come in early for work while I was already there (we both work at Universal, I scan people into the park and she works as a cook in one of the restaurants called Monster Cafe) but she never did because she was always late since her mom drove her, and yes I get that sometimes people are late, but this happened about 3-4 times before I gave up. We’ve had our rough patches before and didn’t date for a few months because of some complicated stuff but now it’s seriously over. I keep feeling like I made the wrong choice, but I can’t go back now. I don’t know if I should keep pursuing trying things with this guy I’ve been talking to, or be alone for a while and take time to myself. I want her back all the time but I’ve made up my mind and I want to do something new before I make this big change in my life. What should I do??? Time to myself or try this new guy?