It doesn’t seem real

Lauren • Girl Mommy TTC #3

I was raised by my grandparents and they are very much like parents to me. Yesterday I called my grandma just to talk before I went to work and she told me she thought my grandpa had the flu. I told her to keep me updated and I’d come by after work. That was at 6am, at 11am my dad called me telling me they took my grandpa to the hospital, he had a seizure and he bottomed out. I immediately left work and when I got to the hospital my whole world stopped. My grandpa is laying there on a ventilator. We are told he has a strain of bacterial pneumonia which he showed no signs of other than a cough and he had a chest x-ray 4 days ago that was perfectly clear so his doctor chalked it up to allergies as they are bad in our area right now. In 4 days he went from being healthy with allergies to being in septic shock because the infection progressed so rapidly it’s now in his blood stream. His kidneys have shut down and he’s on dialysis, his breathing is assisted, and he’s fully sedated. The doctors told us he’s at a 50% chance of survival which I know is good but I can’t get past the fact that it’s still a 50% chance of mortality. Everything hurts and it’s numb at the same time. It doesn’t seem real. When I got home from the hospital I still half expected a call from him asking “you make it home ok?” We need so many prayers right now, especially my grandma.