Is any one else NOT doing genetic testing?

After speaking to my doctor, he advised me that the tests they give are not 100% accurate. They simply give a ratio of a possibility of a condition. He was very honest and told me one test has a higher rate of false positives and another has a high rate of false negatives.

He said they typically are recommended if you are at risk for more genetic issues, that way you can see if you are at a higher risk for something, you can do further testing and get a more definite answer. But he said more than 1/3 of his practice does NOT do any genetic testing.

The reason I am hesitating is because I personly lnow TWO women who were told that their babies had conditions they would not survive. They were advised to have abortions in their 2nd and 3rd trimester, and both decided to carry to term. Both ended up having 100% healthy babies. The idea of this terrifies me way more than having a special needs child.