What can’t you stand?

*•A•* • In a relationship

So today, I was walking back out to my car and I saw this woman talking to another woman, but she was leaning against my car. Now, I JUST got my car detailed. It’s a nice car. I take good care of it and it just absolutely bugs the crap outta me to see people lean against a car that’s not theirs! I mean, your car, your choice. Now I know a lot of people simple just don’t see the issue with that, but quite frankly, I think it’s disrespectful and rude to lean against someone’s car.

Now this woman actually set off my car alarm and proceeded to get all pissy and annoyed to her friend because “it woke up the baby.” So when I came over to shut off the alarm and drive off, she asked me if it was my car and then told me I woke up her baby...🙄🙄🙄 So I told her don’t care. Don’t lean against my car if you don’t want an alarm going off and waking up your baby. She got so mad but I mean really!! It’s not my fault she wasn’t being respectful.

So, what would you think about that situation? What “nonissue” is an issue to you? What kind of small things can’t you stand?