The strange thing I just thanked God for...

Cindy • Mother to a special needs infant! after TTC with husband for 13 years, no previous live births. Too poor for scientific assistance or adoption and too crazy for foster or international adoption.

I am currently leaving a craft store bathroom internally shouting "thank you God!" The reason is because in this store which I have never been inside a employee with the right code needs to physically let you in. I thought I had baby gas but as I kept walking up and down the aisles grabbjng things I realized that I may not be constipated anymore. I was sure that by the time I got to the door poop was going up my back. Thankfully, it stayed on my huge badder pad and squished into every crevasse of my crack. Took 5 minutes to have aclean wipe but my work pants and only pair of cute underwear left were saved!