15 weeks


My first trimester I didn’t have very much of an appetite and didn’t really eat much. Now I’m in the second trimester and I feel like I could eat everything. Like literally I have been eating sooo much. I wake up feeling so hungry that I am nauseous (which I didn’t get morning sickness this time!) I don’t know if this is normal or not! I had my son in January but with him I was always sooo hungry too, I gained 70lb and he was 9lb 3oz. I even exercised regularly and everything. I definitely don’t want to gain that much again! But is anyone else feeling this way? I don’t know what to do 😬😬 maybe I’m just gonna have another big boy lol. Also I gained 2lb in between my 11 week and 14 week appointment 😬 they didn’t say anything but I don’t know if that is too much or what? At that point I wasn’t really eating so much plus taking walks daily and measuring miles and steps I took with my Fitbit (sadly broken after I got in the pool with it 😔)