Do you ever feel like your boss doesn't like you?

I've been working at this company for about two years.

I work as a project manager, and I work hard. We're a small company with lots of work and too little time, technicians and money. But because we charge so little, we can't afford to hire more staff. And our boss constantly over promises to clients on our behalf, so we're either left running like headless chickens trying to meet those promises, or we look like idiots because we can't.

We're constantly overcoming issues like third party delays, third party installation issues, clients providing short notice for work needed, techs not planning their stock properly and having to order stock last minute and have me personally collect and deliver to site, etc.

I am currently single handedly working on 40 projects. And yes I slip up from time to time because there's just SO much that I need to do.

And these last two months have been ROUGH. The last two weeks have been the absolute worst.

I have felt these last two weeks that my boss hasn't been very happy with me, and frankly I haven't been too happy with him either.

On top of all the work I normally do, he asked me to train the new sales guy because he doesn't have the time (like I do). And I only did the sales for ONE month to fill the gap when our sales guy left, I'm not an expert.

He's put me on the spot twice this week with a client who we do a lot of little work for. He knows my laptop crashed and I don't have my correspondence. He got me on the phone with them and asked me about work I completed, because the client is now saying they gave no authority to do the work. I didn't thumb suck the information needed to complete the work- it was given to me by the client. But I was deemed in the wrong and my boss had to pass credits. He didn't even give me a heads up, to give me a chance to at least get what little info I could together before the phone calls.

He did the same thing in a group chat with the client again today, asking why we did work at a certain place. That again was the client who gave me the info to complete the job.

Then on Tuesday, while we had a public holiday, he sent me a link to buy refurbished computers. I told him on the surface it looks legit but we must get our one tech to check the validity of this, but I never had the time this week because of workload, the fact that we were down work day and it just wasn't a priority for this week.

The guy I'm training told my boss I only gave him X details for refurbished computers and my boss took me to task about it in another work chat, asking why didn't I give him the link to that other site. I told him I haven't had a chance to check that it's legit so I didn't give the details, and he argued that I told him it was a legit site. No, that's not what I said. Then he says to just let it go, not even interested in what I had to say.

He just pays attention to your shortfalls and doesn't appreciate when you go over and beyond. Nevermind the fact that this week alone I worked late three days (out of four work days). Nevermind the fact that last month I drove out an entire tank of petrol for a project, and I don't get reimbursed for travel. Nevermind that four times over the last couple of months I've paid for stock out my own pocket because he didn't pay in time.

None of that matters.

I even asked my manager if he has a problem with me and she said she'd phone me but she never did, so I guess I'll speak to her on Monday.

It's just been so stressful.