First year of college, how can I make friends?

So it’s my first year and I’ve finished my first month and honestly it’s been so hard and I hate it. I don’t have friends that go to the same school anymore and for some reason when I try to conversation with people, I say stupid things or make no sense but maybe it’s just my anxiety getting me worked up. Today I just wanted to cry because we had a lab for biology and I was the first to sit down and I was hoping someone would come sit with me ( that would make us lab partners) but I was actually the only person alone. I feel like everyone already knows everyone and I can barley get into a conversation with people. I’ve even had people walk away in the middle of a conversation because their friend walked in the class.

Maybe I’m just over reacting but it’s all I think about, I’ll be joining what I can when things become available but I also work, so It’s hard to find clubs and sports that fit in my schedule. As much as I like being able to work in class with no distraction, it would be nice to have someone I know I can talk to also...