For me and only me.


The moment I meet him, I said he would break my heart. And the day I began to think might never come, came. We broke up. After the initial melt down and talking with my Mama, I relized HE DID NOT BREAK MY HEART. I am the strongest I have ever been. I love who I am becoming and I do not worry about physical flaws. I came out of rock bottom when I meet him and in the last 2 years I have never felt more happy or self worth. I did not learn who I was because of him but because I wanted to be happy.

I was blindsided. Only when I decided I wouldn't do this to myself anymore, did I realize all things I compromised in this relation relationship. I should never have to wonder if he cares. Wonder why he never asks to hang out. Wonder why he has a lack of effort. Wonder why he never suprised me or asked me on a date. So I asked if things would change and only then did he mention his doubts. And I will not wonder anymore because I deserve the effort. So this is me yelling from the mountain tops, I am coming out stronger.

And I just have to thank the two women who support me most ❤

Ma, thank you for showing me how a women should be treated. Always holding me at the highest standard. Teaching me not to give myself to anyone. You are forever my role model.

To the girl I have know over half my life, thank you for caring. For not letting me just complain to you instead telling me to confront the issue. (Alought I hardly listened) For telling me when you disliked something. For listening when things were not easy for you either. For all the laughs you have given me. You are forever my goofball.