Our little miracle 🌈🌈🌈🌈


It has been a long journey since the birth of our daughter: 3 years of ttc, 4 miscarriages, 18 months of total pregnancy (yes, that’s a lot of nausea, of mood swings, hormonal instability, injections, prenatal vitamins, emotional, physical pain and stress) - (and very little wine to cope πŸ€ͺ)

Yet, our little miracle finally came into this world at 39 weeks, just 2 days short of my 40th birthday. 4 years and 10 days after his big sis.

After all this, delivery was almost a walk in the park (ok, not really, but at that point the physical hurt was an amazing victory for me : he was finally coming!)

7 1/2 pounds of cuddliness and cuteness. I hope he can sense how much he was desired. πŸ’•