Just looking for some advice.

Aurora • Gay af 🏳️‍🌈

For background, my parents had me at 18 and 19 and broke up soon after I was born. I’ve been raised between households my entire life. When my mother was dating my father she was a Seventh Day Adventist, but after I was born her parents who were catholic gave me a catholic baptism. Soon after I was born my mother started dating a man who she is still married to to this day. He has a daughter a year older than me and together him and my mother have two other kids. Shortly after they married in 2008 we started attending a baptist church that shut down in 2014 due to lack of participation. Two years ago a few of the families who had remained in the church as well as a few new ones and two pastors started another branch of an existing church in our area. The church we go to now is a very casual and more broadly Christian church (as in it doesn’t have a label like Baptist or Methodist).

My father on the other hand was raised by a Catholic father and Episcopalian mother, although they were never very devout. Now he is an atheist Marxist and his girlfriend who lives with us is Episcopalian.

I believe in god, but with all of the influences around me I’ve sort of gotten lost, and I’m unsure what religion to follow. I don’t like not knowing where I fit in. The church my mother goes to is a little loose for me, I think I need more structure, but I am also gay so I need someplace that would be accepting. If anyone had any advice on how to procede on my journey it would be greatly appreciated. I was going to speak with my youth pastor (I’m 16 btw) but he unfortunately left our church very suddenly a few weeks ago.