A long rant. I am happy though.

Im pretty sure my boyfriend had his man period Saturday, because we came home that night after visiting his parents, he started going off on me 😂😂😂

First it was me unplugging his phone charger to plug in mine for both my phone, and portable charger. “I plugged my phone in at 70%. When I looked, it was at 15%!” That’s literally your fault for not noticing.

Then it was how I don’t clean up after myself. I took a nap after eating a bowl of cereal, and left it on the table beside me. I also left a single cup on the table that was used for water “I have to clean up after you because you keep leaving dirty dishes around!” It’s 2 small things that I was going to take once I got up. I didn’t ask you to clean up for me.

Then it’s how I leave a mess in the living room with all of my school work. “You just leave everything lying out and it looks like a mess in the morning when I get up!” First of all, it’s not a mess. I have everything circled around me and I’m sitting in the middle of it. It’s controlled, and organized. I can leave it for the night and come back to it the next day. It’s not filthy, it’s how I do my school work. It’s how I’ve always done my school work.

I’m just living my life like how I would before moving out. I’m not going to sit there and change my way of living just because he grew up differently than I did. He’s not the one to talk. He leaves cabinet doors open, he spits in the sink and doesn’t rinse it out, he’s constantly locking the door when we have stuff to bring up (we live on the 3rd floor), and I’m having to set everything down to unlock the door when we can see the damn thing perfectly fine from where he parks his car, and there’s nothing in this apartment that resembles me. I’ve contributed to nothing but the bathroom rug and shower rings to this place because whatever I pick out, he doesn’t like. It has to go with the ugly smelly couch, which has to go with the ugly table with matching ugly chairs. Don’t even get me started on the bed 😒 Despite all of this, I am happy. I’m thankful we get to live together, because it’s what we’ve been wanting for the last 5 years together lol. I just wanted to rant this out because it’s funny, and I just need to tell someone since I don’t really have friends lol.