Customers are wild

We had a customer call to place a delivery order. After she placed the order I told her it’ll be 45-1hr for delivery. She was upset about this. She asked if we could hurry up because her kids are hungry. I’m just like um it’s still 45-1hr and she gets mad to where she’s complaining about her kids being hungry. I’m just like well get them a fucking snack (in my head). I’m sorry the world doesn’t revolve around your kids being hungry. Get them a snack to hold them until the food is delivered. If you don’t like waiting that long the go to a fast food place where you’ll get food faster.

I had another customer come in to pay for an order. The keypad for the card clearly states select a tip option. He selects other and put in the amount he owed. I tell him do not push the green button. What does he do? He pushes the fucking green button so now I have to go get a manager to reverse it. It happened again with a female customer and she did the same thing. I’m just like

Then another customer comes in and just points at the menu. I’m like what do you want to order. He keeps pointing like he’s five when he’s a grown ass man. He finally opens his mouth to speak and tell me his order.

I’m trying so hard to not let these pregnancy hormones get the best of me. I’m just thinking of this song by Ariana grande called breathin. It has kept me calm through my entire shift