Should I change doctors?


So I think I’m five weeks and 3 days today but I had some early losses and my HCG levels came back high (2821) at 4 weeks exactly and 8661 three days later. I tried call about the results to the nurse line but never heard back. I’m lucky I have access to them at all because I know how to set up the online portal. I got a call from the place where they do ultrasounds and they said my doctor ordered an ultrasound so I went but now they haven’t called me about the results of either test and the HCG was early last week and the US was two days ago. They hold the results so you have time to hear from your doctor first (I’m guessing?) but my results were not great from the ultrasound. They think I’m further along and the gestational sac is empty so it is maybe either a blighted ovum or a ectopic pregnancy. It’s killing me to not be able to get a hold of anyone on the nurse line! I had two miscarriages and had testing done and it was a month and a half before anyone called me about the results after I left voicemails every 48 hours for two weeks at least (they tell you to give them 24-48 hours to return your call). I love my doctor and I’m so happy I finally have my online portal set up but I don’t know if I can handle this stress! Is this a common problem anyone else is experiencing or is this totally out there? What do you do if you were in my shoes? I was planning on talking to my doctor but they cancelled my appointment and I have to reschedule when my doctor comes up with new dates she’s available.