
I have a 4 year old and am constantly on the go all week. Wake up at 7 to get her to school. And I have 2 jobs. Get my daughter from school at 3- dinner, karate and bedtime for her. I feel non stop all week. So Saturdays are my only day off from both jobs and I have my daughter, but I cant help but just feel so worn down that I literally just lay in bed all day. I have my daughter bring me her snacks to open and only really get up to make lunch and dinner then right back to bed. I nap and watch tv. Is this part of depression? Ive had ups and downs for over 10 years and diagnosed like 6 years ago but never had medication and don't see a therapist anymore. Should I just accept that I need the relaxation on saturdays or should I try to stay active and be up??