so there’s this girl let’s call her Annie so Annie is a bitch. annie and I have been on and off friends for about 2 years now. the reason why we are so on and off is because she constantly has to one up me or bring the attention back to her. I have constantly had to tell her what she was doing was not ok at all. and she would start arguments with me and tell me I was like my mom. after I trusted her with information about my mom (my mom has borderline personality disorder and bi polar disorder/ psychotic episodes) she has called me my mother many times and I have told her that certain things can make me have a panic attack due to my mother. she then goes out her way to embarrass me about it and tell everyone. we get into a fight and we weren’t friends. then she wanted to be friends again and my stupid self said alright. She did the same shit. and then she threatened that she was going to fight me because I looked at her during lunch. then we started being friends again (I know I’m dumb for that) she then proceeded to put her hand on my stomach and ask if I’m pregnant (she’s done it multiple times) and thinks it’s hilarious. I only weigh 135 and I’m 5’5 so I’m not over weight. She’s the one who screams at us, like legit screams and says she hates her body and she’s fat and all this stuff. She constantly says she has all these mental illness and talks about her therapist for attention. Which she has told my friends and I that it’s for attention. I’m so fed up with it. Anyways that’s my rant thanks for reading xx

*update if it really matters 😂*

I cut her out of my life. I blocked her on everything stopped talking to her. I’ve been doing pretty good, my friendships with others have been getting better.