Vulnerable post


Any other mamas feeling extremely overwhelmed and in need of a break? Just casually sitting here crying while nursing my son because I've had a difficult few days with him.

Brought him to my sisters baby shower yesterday and he cried the entire time. I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not. He cried from 2-5:30pm, had multiple people try to console him, I nursed him twice and still nothing. I missed my sisters entire baby shower because I was sitting in a separate room trying to calm my son. I was quite embarrassed to say the least. While she was opening her gifts, all you could hear was my LO screaming.

Everyone begged me to bring him, and I insisted that I didnt want to as I needed a break and wanted to enjoy and celebrate my sister, however I caved in and brought him. I should have listened to my gut and left him with hubby for the afternoon.

I'm sure I'm not the only mama struggling a little right now?